We also had mini-photo shoot so that you all can start putting names with faces. Here is the team!
First up we have our Fearless Leader-Ben Newell!
And then we have the endlessly-entertaining Jeanne Correll
Next up we have Tiffanie Farrell (featuring Garrett on the left)
And of course, Mr Jeremy Reedal (doing his best male model imitation)
The lovely Theresa Patton
And her husband, John
Miss Danielle Higginbotham (officially the girl-with-the-coolest-last-name)
And of course, we now come to Kaitlynn Taylor (who is apparently super flexible)
And the arty-shot goes to Melissia Heyworth :)
Allison Newell is Super Rad
And now we have Mr Ryan Doucet (that's pronounced "doo-set" in case you were wondering...which took me months to sort out myself)
Miss Amanda Carter
And last, and quite possibly least, we have me! With the beautiful Kaitlynn by my side to make me look a bit cooler :)
Well, that's it, that's all. We will be finishing up the packing over the next few days and saying our goodbyes to you all. Please remember to pray for us, even now, as we begin to prepare our hearts to serve and to learn over the next few weeks.