Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Update phone call from Ben

Ben talked to Todd this morning and had an update on how the team is doing. He said that everyone is healthy, but they are tired.

One of their biggest ministries has been with the street boys. This is a really intense group of boys because they are right off of the street. Their goal has been to teach them to love the Lord first, but it is really hard for the boys to see. Ben had an opportunity to share his testimony with the boys in which he was able to be really serious with them and share his heart. 20 boys prayed a prayer of salvation and they could tell that 5 were really serious about the decision. The boys are starting to realize that the team will be leaving soon and they have become really attached to the team. They want to make sure that they are leaving Jesus behind and that the boys truly see that what they need is not the team, but Jesus.

Also, the girls have been working at the girls home. The girls in the home are a lot like the street boys but they are now in a home which is a really good environment for them. Pray for the girls too, as it will be hard for them to have the team leave as well.

Prayer Requests:
1. The team would finish the next two days in Kitwe strong. Pray for the team as they will be leaving the people they have been ministering to and it will be tough emotionally.

2. The team will be leaving Saturday to go to Livingston and then on Sunday/Monday they will be going on a Safari.

Continued prayers for safety and health are always appreciated and needed by the team.

Thank you for continuing to look at the blog. Again, the team is sorry that they are not able to post more frequently, but we will continue to keep you up to date as we hear from them.

God Bless,
Solid Rock Staff

Monday, August 13, 2007

As of Saturday, August 11th, we received a call from Shannon with an update as to how their trip is going so far. They have been incredibly busy and the internet connection is still not available to them, so we will be posting the reports until they are able to. (Ben also called this morning and said they are sorry that they haven't been able to update the blog, but the internet has been really slow there.)

The team continues to be in good health and very busy. Along with the other projects they have been working on, they worked on building a place at the Boys Ranch which will eventually allow for 24 boys to live there. The guys ended up laying bricks and the girls cleared the brush.

Prayer Requests:

Continued prayer for their health and safety. Also, that they would be allowing the Lord to use them and change hearts as they are over there, that God would be preparing the hearts of those who they will be ministering to.

As we get phone calls, we will continue to update on how the team is doing. Keep praying for them as we know your prayers are being heard and answered.
--Solid Rock Staff

Thursday, August 9, 2007

We received a phone call from Ben Newell today in which he said that they are having trouble connecting to the internet and they have been incredibly busy lately, so we are going to post for them today and hopefully they will have internet connection sometime soon.

Ben reports that the team is doing well. They all are in good health and their time there has been awesome so far. Today the team went to the Boys Ranch which in the future will be a home for 24 boys. These boys have been taken off the streets where many of them are involved in drugs and frequent fighting. Through this ministry they are being taught the Word of God and being given a safe place to be, away from the dangers of the streets. While the team was there they played soccer with them, cooked a meal, washed their clothes, taught a bible lesson and broke up into small groups. This was an amazing time for them to get to know the boys, love them and share the gospel with them.

Prayer requests: They would love continued prayer for their health and protection. Also, tomorrow they will be splitting up and part of them will be going to do a soccer camp for the Street Boys, some will be visiting with the girls at the Girls Home and some will be leading a Chipota feeding project in which they will be feeding orphans on the streets.