Monday, August 13, 2007

As of Saturday, August 11th, we received a call from Shannon with an update as to how their trip is going so far. They have been incredibly busy and the internet connection is still not available to them, so we will be posting the reports until they are able to. (Ben also called this morning and said they are sorry that they haven't been able to update the blog, but the internet has been really slow there.)

The team continues to be in good health and very busy. Along with the other projects they have been working on, they worked on building a place at the Boys Ranch which will eventually allow for 24 boys to live there. The guys ended up laying bricks and the girls cleared the brush.

Prayer Requests:

Continued prayer for their health and safety. Also, that they would be allowing the Lord to use them and change hearts as they are over there, that God would be preparing the hearts of those who they will be ministering to.

As we get phone calls, we will continue to update on how the team is doing. Keep praying for them as we know your prayers are being heard and answered.
--Solid Rock Staff

1 comment:

LegoLiams said...

Allo Allo Team Z!
Though your blog is missed, know we are praying for your saftey and Jesus's love to bless all you come before.
Y'all have amazingly beautiful hearts out there. 'Tis exciting to imagine what miracles are being sewn in such a bright land within the dark continent.
Enjoy the busy-ness and don't burden yourselves (as I do) as to why the August Yankee surge is ever-menacing.
Thank you for touching base with us via the caring SR office folk.
Love all over you guys from across the Awesome Atlantic, the mighty Mississippi, the robust Rockies and the asphalt-y 217.