Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Day 9

Greetings from Zambia!

Sorry that we haven't been able to update you guys on the mission trip. We don't have access to computers and when we do the internet is super duper slow. But God has definetely been working in the most amazing ways here. Thank you for all the prayers! We have been very busy as well, we don't have very much down time but when we do (our morning devotions are amazing!) we're either spending it in the word or fellowshiping.

During the 'work days' the team has been split up between the Girls Ranch, with the street boys, the for Hearts and Souls orphanage and the Chipata Compound. The Girls Ranch is a home for street girls that are ages 14-19ish. Some of the girls are pregnant or have had children. They spend time in bible studies (our girls have actually leds some amazing ones!), cooking and different crafts. The boys on our team have been spending their time with the street boys ... playing soccer games, feeding them food, physically and spiritually. The kids at the orphanage are all growing up and when part of the team visits for the day they spend time playing with the kids but also helping the mothers with chores and ministering to them through conversation. The conditions are definitely better this year and the children are all becoming more fluent in English because of the teacher that came after Shannon, Mary. Today Shannon, Nicole, and Abbie got to deliver the school supplies, Mary was so ecstatic about it and so immensely blessed by what was given by the church. The Chipata Compound is a ministery that just started up a few weeks ago, it is an extension from the orphanage. A few mothers cook breakfast and lunch for the children of the Chipata Compound and do home visits as well.

We've also done many other random services for the Lord, like construction for the Girls Ranch, visit tuberculosis patients and we also joined them at Church on the Rock. As our days come to an end in Kitwe (only 3 more!), please continue to pray for the ministeries that we have been involved with here.

Love Annie.

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