Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mhoroi from Zimbabwe!!!

Two of the world's busiest airports. Hartsfield International in Atlanta. And now O.R. Tambo International in Johannesburg. Except... the Jo'burg airport is not so busy at present. This may have something to do with the fact that it is 2:43 am local time. See, the plan was to board a South African Airlines flight to Harare, Zimbabwe at 7:40 last night. The one problemo is that S.A.A. overbooked our flight. So here we are, the nine of us sprawled out on the tile floor of a very deserted (but normally bustling) Johannesburg Airport. 
A.J.Brady, August 7th, 2009: Johannesburg, South Africa

Fortunately, I am now able to report that we made it safely to Zimbabwe. Instead of the South African Airways, we eventually boarded an Air Zimbabwe flight. We've been in Zim for two and a half days now. We have seen many many many amazing things happen in such a short time. God has had His hand in everything. 
The very first thing we did when we arrived was an exercise that Glenn likes to call "To the Streets." This game involves being dropped off in the very center of Harare and answering questions from a sheet of paper provided by Glenn. Very similar to a scavenger hunt. By the time we were finished with this exercise, we were good and exhausted (as if the nine-hour time change wasn't enough!). We all hit the sack.
Day two: We visited five homes, including the two Philadelphia homes supported by Solid Rock. These were absolutely amazing. It was great to see firsthand what Solid Rock is doing 15,000 kilometers away. One of the highlights of the day was when Christiana was able to assist one of the caretakers with physical therapy for a traumatized toddler who is still unable to crawl. This was clearly a huge blessing. After visiting the homes, we returned to the Hillside home where we are staying and made plans for the VBS we are putting on next week and the week after.
Finally, today we visited the thousand-acre farm. We attending a really cool church service there. We were blessed and very impressed by the happiness of all in attendance. They sang; they danced; they shouted for Jesus. Evan played a few songs on the guitar. I was able to preach a sermon for the very first time in my life. The team put on a skit and led the congregation in "Lord I Lift Your Name on High." An amazing story about the message the Lord gave me this morning is that, unbeknownst to me, there was a poster nearby with the very same scripture that I shared from: The Great Commission. Praise God for His amazing hand in everything!
On behalf of the entire team, I would like to thank all of you for your prayers. They are much appreciated. I promise pictures next post! Rarai zvakanaka! Good night!   --Andrew Brady


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this update, many have asked me for one! So very exciting to hear all about it and how the Lord is using you all. Are you able to access your gmail accounts yet? Looking forward to your next post! Love to all.

Laurie Isaacson said...

Amazing to know that our prayers get answered so far away! I love it! We will continue to pray that you are used by the Lord, for strength and that you continue to see HIS hand in all you do!
Love you JULIE!!