Jess and Ash here... Quick recap about yesterday's happenings. Started the morning off taking care of the kids, getting them ready for the day, and no big deal... there was a pleasant poop surprise under one of our little ladies' dress.
We were able to draw pictures with the kids, help them with writing, and played a few hand games.
Some of the ladies spent the day cooking an "American meal" for the team and Irene and Roshan. Some others spent part of the afternoon finishing up last minute details for our sarees.
The rain has been coming down really hard and the boys spent the day fixing the holes in the roof. After a long, but fun afternoon, we came home to a fresh, home-made meal: mango salsa, guacamole, and vegetable salad. The beef for the tacos was so fresh that apparently it was slaughtered 15 minutes before we purchased it..?
Later that night, after cleaning and helping around, us ladies were able to play dress up! It felt like Prom night all over again... India style.... We got the opportunity to feed the kids in our sarees. They were so excited to see us dressed up, they were screaming "Supaaaa!" and applauding us.
It's beginning to be more and more of a struggle to tuck the kids in bed and say goodnight to them as we've grown closer to them each day. The concept of time has completely escaped us, and it still hasn't hit us that we're leaving them Saturday... These beautiful kids have become our teachers... We came here to bless them, but more often than not, we feel as though we've been blessed. We try and serve them, but they insist on serving us. We have all learned so much from these kids. All the things we worry about on a daily basis seem so trivial as this place: Happy Home, has been a place of provision and God's grace.
There's so much more we have to share with you all when we get home. Thank you for your prayers. We are all healthy and we look forward to this next week to see what else God has for us.
His therefore yours,
Ashley and Jess.
ps the picutures
Oh my your sarees are BEAUTIFUL!! You are all beautiful in them too. Please wear them when you get back to Solid Rock. I want to see them up close! We will be praying for you all when you leave Happy Home. I know it will be very difficult to say good bye to those beautiful faces. Jordan did you get a saree shirt? :-) Mom
Hey team! Thanks for all the wonderful daily updates. We are so blessed to read them every single day. We are praying for these last couple days at Happy Home before your train adventure up north. Praying for God's love to flood your hearts as you say goodbye to the children. I think of one my favorite scriptures and pray it for you all - "The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior, He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy." Zephaniah 3:17. May the Lord sing and rejoice over you during those goodbyes and quiet you by His love as you meditate on all you are learning from Him. Wow! What an Awesome God!
Tell everyone we love them and if you have not eaten Masal Dosa yet, please tell Roshan he has to get you some. THEY ARE SO GOOD!!! Love you guys and have fun on the train!
Ben and Amanda
P.S. Jordan in a Saree? I think you should start passing out bibles on a sunday in one of those.
Those sarees look like so much fun! Their so beautiful on you guys! Kellie, I just wanted to tell you that my soccer team is going to the semi-finals because we just beat the second best team in the league! Also, I just got excepted to be in the 8th grade english, the 8th grade math, and the 9th grade orchestra! The note about everyone being healthy is really encouraging. We miss you and love you lots,
I think we should have a saree fashion show with Indian food when you get back! You are all so amazing and I love seeing your beautiful smiling faces. The children at Happy Home really DO look so happy! Lots of love to all of you, and a special hug to Emma xo Lisa Acheson
Jordan...please ignore Ben Newell's "P.S." listed above...your FATHER does not want to see you passing out Bible's in your Saree on Sunday morning (or evening for that matter). Perhaps the guys can fashion some type of gym shorts out of the fancy fabric we see the ladies wearing. NOT show them to Mr. Courson (Jordan...your well aware of what line he would use on you).
Look forward to your next post.
Hi Guys! We've missed hearing from you so much but know you must have full days visiting the many different organizations on your schedule! Praying for you as you take it all in.
It is Wednesday morning your time, and we just wanted to say. . .
See you all soon!
Doug and Terry
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