We are several hours into Day 6. Yesterday most of the team was down and out sick. But praise the Lord, by His grace and mercy we are back to normal health!
Yesterday, we got the chance to wake up early and greet the BEAUTIFUL children and feed them, wash their faces, and get them ready for the day. I can say on behalf of everyone that we are learning more from the children than they are learning from us. It's so cool that although communication should be a barrier between us and the children, love is the common language that ties us and we are yoked together even still.
Here are some of the kids making silly faces!
Watching the children sit in their perfect rows, singing us songs while waiting patiently for their meals taught me a huge lesson. I looked at their throats (as weird as that sounds) and it was so precious to see the strain on their faces. It was convicting to see even little children sing of the Lord with their whole hearts; with their whole being. It was such a reminder of true worship, and how as we get older we start to fear man above the Lord. It was such a beautiful picture and a sweet reminder.
We were able to go shopping downtown. It was awesome to see a different part of Shimoga. Probably my favorite part of the trip was seeing sweet Irene "takin' care of business (as Melissa would say)." It was fun to watch her barter for a good bargain. :)
A few of us bought rad Indian tunics and beautiful Saree's!
As the day went on, more people began to feel sick, so we dedicated the rest of the day to rest, fellowship, and time with the Lord. We also got to watch Roshan sing a "worship remix!" He sang "Anchor of My Soul" as a rap! SO awesome!
We love you guys. Thank you so much for all the prayers, comment, and emails. Every day a part of us is being broken and it's so freeing to let go. God is teaching us so much about Himself and so much about His heart. It's a funny feeling.... Feeling like we've been here forever- in a good, comfortable way. :) but at the same time, feeling like we just got here! God is at work and it's so cool to watch and be a part of it!
Grace, Peace, and many blessings!!!
This one's for ya Allison! Chitra! :)
GREAT entry Jess! I love your picture with Chitra! I'm sorry you were all so ill. We'll keep praying!! Love to hear all that God is showing you. What an answer to prayer. Thanks for the great description of the children. I can almost picture it. Thank you all for the great entries and pictures. I feel like we are experiencing this trip with you!!
Oh what a glorious looking team of people you have over there! You all look like you're having a blast and being used by God for those kids, and I can tell the kids are being used for you as well...which is the greatest part of the whole experience!
I'm excited to hear all the stories and see more pictures of how all the kids have grown! Melissa, I love you girl, I am praying for you as God uses you over there this time 'round in a very different role than the last time. Can't wait to hear all about it. McNewells....that has nothing to do with anything, just seemed fitting to say at this point in the paragraph.
I love all you guys and Ben and I are praying for you that you take some time to rest up and regain your strength. Its okay to rest! Notice how much God will use you though even in the times when you are so tired, He will teach you so much in your weakness.
Jessica, I can't wait to get lunch when you get back and hear all about it. And Kellie, hope you're not getting my cooties in that sleep sac!
Prayers and love to Roshan, Mama, and Reema. We miss you guys so much and are praying for the next time we can come to you again! We are forever invested in the work of the ministry there, whether we can be there physically or not.
Bob and Jordan..you should probably bust out a game of murder mystery..Bob's favorite. ;-)
Love you all so much,
Amanda and Ben
Thanks for updating us Jess! My those kids are beautiful.. I sure do love them..
I am praying for you all over there.. And hope my verses are helping keep you guys encouraged.
Give Kavya a hug for me and if you can get a picture that would be great( I need a updated picture)
Love you all so much
JESS!!!!! Thank you! That was a beautiful blog and the best picture was saved for last. Give her a smooch:) Love you guys and honestly I am SOOOO jealous :) You are going to learn so much while you're there. Soak it all in. Especially the time at Happy Home. Oh and then.. get prepared for the trains. WHAT a trip, get ready:)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLIE! (just had to throw that one out there!) .... what a great birthday present... getting to serve others. :) We love you and hope you and everyone around you were blessed today!
So great to hear from you sweetie!!! As Paul would say, I'm seriously jealous for you all with a godly jealousy! Those kids are just too cute! You are all in my prayers night and day, and I'm so glad to hear all that God is teaching you guys! Jessie, I can't wait to spend time with you when you get back and hear the abundance of stories you have to tell! Love you SO much!!! <3
-Reid :)
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