Meanwhile the boys ventured off in search of supplies to build a roof for the new bathrooms. They also bought tools to build a medicine cabinet and to reinforce the bathroom walls. When they came back we all served the kids their lunch of rice and curry.
Speech therapy class followed soon after lunch, but quickly turned into an energetic routine of song and dance, with the kids grooving to Father Abraham and the Hokey Pokey. After dancing for a bit, Kellie brought out stories and stickers. STICKERS were the BIG HIT!
It was amazing to see each child's face light up at the sight of a colorful sticker. They marched around the room proudly showcasing their stickers as if they were badges of honor. The room was filled with happy chatter (all of which we did not understand) as they placed them on their cheeks, chests and cherub-like faces.
They also were thrilled with story books galore that afternoon. ABC books, farm animals and counting filled several hours. It struck us that even though they could not read the words, every child was delighted with the books. They looked at the pictures and asked us to read them over and over.
As the rain continued to pour down, a friend of Roshan's climbed the palms to toss down some coconuts. The guys likened it to catching bowling balls mid air. Coconut is used in many of the dished here. We also got to sample a bit of fresh coconut meat!
The day wrapped up with the kids coming home from school and a late dinner. Looking back on this day we are still in awe of the children's pure joy in simple pleasures. They have so little and yet they love life and jump so quickly at any opportunity to help one another. The love of Jesus shines through their faces. This truly is a happy home!
Oh what a great blog entry! It made me cry to hear about the kids' joy over stickers and books. I love your picture Jess! Jordan thanks for the birthday present! You have all jumped right in and are making the most of your time there. We are thinking of you and praying for you all day. Rachel says hi! Remember Jord, don't let Bob carry anything heavy! Love,Mom
I got to talk to Roshan today for work (Mike check your email, we need to you to make a video and send it back to me so we can show it on Sunday to the church), and he says you're all doing GREAT! I'm so blessed to hear the joy in his voice at this amazing fellowship. He LOVES having you there! Soak up every minute you can with those kids and Roshan and Mama, no matter how tired you get. You'll never have a better week in your life!
I leave it to whoever wants the task, hug and kiss Chitra for me every chance you get (She's my favorite, is that allowed?).
Love love love and many prayers!
Allison Newell
SO awesome! I know God is already using you all so much! I will definitely be praying for you all...and the journey that is to come. Stay strong. Make the most of every day. Laugh loudly. Cry when you need too. And just praise God every day... cause He's using you and working through you all right now. What a blessing much love,
p.s. Kellie...glad to see that the kids over there seem to love you too! (guess it's not just a Portland-kid thing) :P
How precious, Jessie. I can tell that you are sharing a Suzy's Zoo Alphabet Book. May Christ's love shine in and through you.
Aunt DO
Hey team! It's so good to read the blog. I must say Amanda and I wish we were with you but we rejoice with our new role this year as your prayer warriors! Hope you enjoyed your travels - the smoky Frankfurt airport and my favorite country drive in the world from Bangalore to Shimoga. Roshan, drive safe you crazy oochi! Please send the children our hugs and kisses and tell Madhu that Ben says Raiiiii!!! Also give Mama and Reema our love. Roshan, don't jump off any buildings and make sure you teach Mike some of your ninja karate skills. We love you guys and are praying for you each and every day. Praying that you'd raise the banner of Jesus' love, grace, mercy and truth everywhere you go and the children of Happy Home would be covered in His love.
Love y'all!
Ben and Amanda Newell
P.S. Jordan - stay awake from the milkshakes and coconut milk. Craig, if you think chipotle is good, wait until you try Masala Dosa (Roshan knows the best place), Bob - I miss your company and be careful of the smells:) Finally, Roshan - I miss you brother!
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