A quick photo recap of the last week:
Our tearful goodbye at Happy Home, last Friday morning....

Train travel pics....

Roshan is crazy!

While we sat in the Bangalore train station, before we hopped our train to Kolkata, the boys went on a mission to find Mcdonalds (Roshan said he thought that maybe there was a rumour one time that their might be a McD's in Bangalore....somewhere. Needless to say, that was enough for them, and 4 hours later they returned triumphant)

Our cockroach friend enjoys french frys and ketchup...

More train travel pics.....

Kolkata! This is sugercane juice....and it is AMAZING! Melis and Ryan take the first sip...

Rickshaws are everywhere. Men like this poor guy carry people around in their rickshaw, oftentimes barefoot, for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week to make a living. It's a hard life....and very evident of the poverty we saw absolutely everywhere in Kolkata. It was sobering to all of us.

This cross was a welcome sight to see for us all! Crosses, or Christian symbols of any kind are extremely rare in this country. It makes seeing one a memorable event. This church is where one of the Faith Comes By Hearing meetings we went to was held. The tape player is their "pastor"

Kaitlynn prays for a Hindu woman and her child...

I had to include a photo of the Kolkata Police. I just think they are AWESOME looking :)

The day we went to visit Mother Theresa's Home for the Dying and Destitute happened to coincide with a Hindu holiday of some kind, so we had to fight out way through a crowd of people selling idols, worshipping them, and making and selling religious articles. It was intense! But then we stepped up to the door of the Home and a peace just washed over us. It truly is a beacon of light and a haven of peace in a dark place. We were asked not take pictures, so I can show you none....but we will not soon forget that place.

Mother Theresa's...

John and Reema and Theresa, in front of Victoria Palace, the old capital building of Kolkata, when the Brits ruled here.

Tiff making friends with a begger kid in the market near our hotel.

More train travel !! Are you getting the idea that we spent a LOT of time on these things? Ha ha ha....we love them :)

When we arrived in Ongole, we went to visit the school and Mt Beulah Orphanage, both of which Simpson (our guide for this portion of the trip) manages. Our reception there was warm and friendly, but our time much too brief. We could have spent weeks playing with the children and learning about the students. God is doing a great work in Ongole. We can share more when we get home...

Ongole is only 8km from the sea, so we spent a few hours of the afternoon playing around in the Bay of Bengal. Wow! It was a welcome relief from the heat and humidity of the last few weeks.

It's been a life-changing trip for each and every one of us. We will come home different people...but with a renewed vision of the need this world has for a God who loves them, and with a passion for how we can be His hands and feet to bring love, help, and truth to those around us...whether that be our next door neighbor, or a villager in the middle of India.
Thank you again and again for your prayers and encouraging messages and comments. It has been so amazing to have that kind of love and support while we are here.
We can't wait to see you all, and share our individual stories and pictures....
Until then, love to you all...