Sooooo…here are some pics from our adventure yesterday.
Mathik (the hotel manager who accepted the Lord yesterday) came to worship this morning and brought two friends with him! Mathik is in the white shirt in the center of the group photo.

These are Mathik’s friends

We went into to town to do some shopping for the orphanage and discovered some interesting tasting chips at the local bakery. Ryan displays them for us to see.

Ben displays a jar of jelly for us

The COLORS in this place are so amazing!

Roshan decided to take us to see a nearby dam that is kind of a tourist attraction.

On the way we saw a rainbow. It was rad to see a reminder of one of God's promises to us :)

Tiff and Danielle

This is our driver for the day, his name is Krishna (he was named after the Hindu god) We talked to him about Jesus a bit, and he mostly just nods and smiles. Pray that we can continue to have opportunity to speak with him in these last few days that we are here in Shimoga.

Ryan and Tiff, battling it out Karate Kid style

Jer’s making friends with one of the guards at the dam we visited

The girls! (photo by Roshan)

So, all in all we had a pretty mellow day. We came home and I dealt with some computer malfunctioning (which has resolved, praise the Lord) and everyone else helped feed the kids their evening meal and tuck them in to bed. So sorry I don’t have pictures of that for you to see, but I will be on it tomorrow!
Thank you for your comments, your prayers and your love. It is SO felt here!
Checked the blog tonight (10:30 in Missouri) to look at comments for the last post and was surpriosed to find a new post for tonight (or tomorrow for you...i get so confused by the time thing!)
At any rate, just wanted to say way to go God for the salvation thing with the guy there! That is so very cool! Think of the exponential effect that will have on the Kingdom in India! And then to see the guys friends there also! I must tell you I am kind of jealous of you all being there. You are being used as change agents in other's lives! It doesn't get any better!
Kathy and I are praying for you every day. God is using you in a great way and I can't wait to hear all the stories and see all the pix of your adventure.
Know you are in our prayers and hearts. We continue to lift you up, pryaing for your minstry, your health, and your safety. Ben, you are awsome man! Can't wait to see you in August, and then maybe again here in MO in Sept. We are already planning the week! Dude, you are becomming so special to me and I haven't even met you yet!!!
Have a great day! You are all loved and missed!
Larry and Kathy
p.s. Hey AC, your mom and I are scarfing on a chocloate gooey butter cake!
Hello Friends,
Today was first time I was able to check out the blog and let me tell you that it brought so much joy to my day that I found myself reading it at least five times today. Not only are you doing the Lord's work in India, but by sharing your stories you are working through Him back at home as well.
Love you and you're in my prayers.
Blessings in His name,
Heather Carpentier
Wow. This is amazing. I have started every morning since you guys left by diving into this blog. Sometimes before I leave for work at 4:00 in the morning. I'm just drawn to it.
I just want to say how proud I am of every single person on this team (specifically amanda, ben, allison & tiff) but all of you are being used by the Lord in a way that none of you can yet imagine.
I must admit that i have been fighting some jealousy of you guys lately, but John Mark gave an unbelievable message on Friday night that reminded me that we are all called to live radical lives, and live with greatness. You guys are just happening to live out your greatness in a radical place and in a very radical way right now.
Be blessed Solid Rock team. I'm proud to call this church my home, and proud to call all of you my church family, and more importantly, my brothers and sisters in Christ (one of you, my literal sister!)
Be blessed as you be the hands and feet of Jesus. Can't wait to have you all back.
Stephen & Rachel
What a great thrill it is for us to "hear" from you every day! Bekah, your joy-filled entries along with those captivating photos are keeping us feeling that we are right there with you. We are praying as we listen in. You have a rare gift of communicating the hope that fills you!
From Dad to the team:
I'm so proud of you all! I can't wait to have you share with the flock at SR. Bekah, you are amazing! I'm so blessed to have you as my daughter, love, Dad
We both love all of you and are continuing in frequent and fervent prayer for you all, Love, Phil and Dad (aka Mom and Dad)
that dude that Jer has his arm around is so awesome! it looks super uncomfortable. ha ha.
i'm glad you got a mellow day. it seems like you guys have been running really hard.
i'm stoked on the pictures and stories!
Dear India Team,
Reading your blog has become a part of my daily routine since you all left US.
I am just amazed how your love toward the Lord is changing people’s hearts, one weary
heart at a time. You are not trying hard to change them, but they just see your strong, pure love for Jesus and that is enough to make people think, “I want that in my life!”.
And the kids, aren’t they supposed to be not-so-joyful-looking because they are poor, handicapped, orphaned and “untouchables”? But all the kids in the pics have the most beautiful smiles ever. I am so proud of you all. I have been telling many of my non-believer clients to check out your blog. Remember, your hard work there in India is inspiring many of us back here also. Who knows, some non-believer here might be touched by your work and come to know the Lord.
Rebekah, your inner beauty is projected in every sentence you write. I was so glad to see more pictures of you today!
You are all in our prayers.
-Momo Enomoto
Wow guys I keep hearing from everyone at church how awesome the blog is but our internet has been down - it is great, love the pictures and the news! The Lord is so amazing, we love hearing of His work in and through you. We are so excited that the deal on the land has been accepted! And what an added beauty that you guys were there to celebrate with them -awesome, awesome, awesome God!
We will keep on praying and now that we are back on-line I'll be constantly chekcking the blog for an update! :)
Much love and hugs,
Bekah, I'm going to give you a big hug when you guys return. This blog has been such a blessing and you may never know until you are in heaven how far and how wide this blog reached and spread the good news of Jesus.
I continue to pray daily for your work, the kids, the land, Roshan and his family, the other workers of Happy Home and the people that God is placing in your path as "you go." This morning, I was struck by Acts 13:2 - "While they were ministerting to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." What struck me here is how God is using your team "while you are ministering to the Lord", while you have been worshiping, praying, lifting up the Lord you are ministering to others and people are coming to know Him through that. Isn't God good. I will continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to set you guys apart as you minister to Him.
We love all of you so much. Many are praying for you without ceasing. I'm praying for encouragement rather than discouragement for Roshan, Irene, Rema and the kids after you depart. Jesus, fill them with your joy, may you be their strength.
I hope you guys are actually reading these comments... Love you all so much. I am sitting here at my desk at church with tears streaming down for love and pride for you all. You are my heros, guys, I mean it. Kait I can see by the joy in your face that all my prayers for you are being answered. And don't listen to your dad. You can bring an elephant home if you want to. I'll start working on Shawna right away, I'm sure we can fit him in somewhere... :) Whatever it takes for you to come home to us! I can already tell the children have stolen your heart and you are reconsidering promises to return. I will not have it. Ha ha, :) LOVE YOU!!!!!~Tab
As I read through this and look at the pictures I can see the Lords face in every word and every picture. Looking over and reading through the Lords work through you guys has truly touched my heart and moved my soul. God bless each and everyone of you, you guys are amazing.
Stay strong,
Tim Bryant
As I read through this and look at the pictures I can see the Lords face in every word and every picture. Looking over and reading through the Lords work through you guys has truly touched my heart and moved my soul. God bless each and everyone of you, you guys are amazing.
Stay strong,
Tim Bryant
Cheers me'earties in the East!
Lady Bekah, place me in the thumbs up crew for props on blog and all who compose it. I'd no idea it'd be so intimate and dedicated. A blessed talent indeed, ma'am! Excellently impressive.
Dude, Ryan, know your brother played ever so splendidly during worship on Sunday. No noted nerves there! Mightily impressive.
When Darth Vader recognized Luke Skywalker's newfound abilites in Cloud City he said, "Impressive... most impressive..."
Ben, do tell your sister I remember her name this time. Boston is ten ahead of Toronto and the Yanks, despite a 3-game losing streak.
You guys got to ride an actual elephant! And for 20 rupees?? That's a gonga!
Sari's are really useful and not simply for dress. My Indian-subcontinent buddy's mother wore one and never apologied when she wore it. When eating supper one evening with his family, I heard his brother say, "Mom, this lemongrass it a little overdone." She didn't apologize. With a baffled look on my face and eyes tear-y from the curry, his father explained to me that whenever necessary, his beautiful wife was automatically "sorry" when wearing her sari...
The Burger Thing has been a sensational success. Joe Grigsby gets the Grill Team excited by shouting, "Okay,, GRILL TEAM!" One of the grillmen, Will-of distinguished chin-strap beard, likes me to get him cool bottles of Aquafina. It's pretty cool. Soon I might get to grill with those fellas.
When you guys get back, you must have some hamburgers or a hotdog. There is mayonnaise dressing available for what I like to call, "The Whopper Effect". Colorful snowcones are ready to cool you down as the temp is flirting with three digits.
All y'all's serving hands for Jesus are wonderful to witness. A tour-de-force of inspiration. Tis warming to see those perpetual smiles from the otherside of earth everyday.
I'm praying for Krishna (not the blue one) and the seed of Love that is surely growing in that heart!
God bless, speed and keep you and your encounters,
Hi Danielle we love you and all that you are doing for our Heavenly Father.
You guys ROCK!!
Love Dad
P.S.- Mom says thanks for the birthday card!
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