And here are some more pictures of the team feeding the kids, learning how to speak Kannada from them, and just enjoying their smiling faces :)

Earlier in the morning we gathered them all together for a time of worship and praise.....then we sung them some them some fun songs with hang motions (Father Abraham, The Lord's Army, Hokey Pokey, etc) They LOVED it! Ever since learning The Lord's Army they have been running up to everyone and saying "akka akka or anna, anna (sister, sister or brother, brother), sing yes sir! sing yes sir!" It is so cute :)

Then we had a dance party with all the kids! They all love to dance, so it was super fun :)

Tiff somehow managed to convince one of the taxi drivers to let her drive his rickshaw around the field. Jeanne and Danielle decided to risk their lives and go along for the ride :)

Tiff, Melis, and Kaitlynn, learning how to cook some real Indian food from Irene

Esther, the cook, grinding some coconut for our breakfast

Chitra's greeting to each of us when we arrived this morning.

Some random pictures of the happenings throughout the morning and early afternoon....

Ok, and now for the finale! Roshan decided to take us on a "Safari"....so we piled into the vans and cruised over the their version of a zoo. It was absolutely pouring down rain, but Ryan and I prayed for it to stop for a bit, and it did! That was awesome :)
This place was absolutely crazy! The closest example I can give is the wild animal petting zoo in Bandon, Oregon. Except even crazier. (Mike, you know what I am talking about here!). We were litterally only FEET away from Lions and Tigers and a very harmless looking sloth bear. We saw jackels and hyenas and crocodiles and pythons. It was amazing! One scary story from Roshan: The tigers that we saw, actually ATE a person here just 6 months ago. Apparently a man was repairing the gates in between the compounds and accidentally slipped over and into the tiger pen. Yeah,.....not good. But don't worry, we all stayed in the bus for the most part, and came away unscathed. Here are the pics!

At the end of the day we all dispersed to our rooms, but Jeremy, Ryan, Ben, and Roshan were at the hotel, and the manager Murthy (pronounced "murtee") asked to talk to them. He shared that he has been fascinated by our group of people. He has known Roshan for a few years, and so was comfortable talking with him. He expressed that he noticed a joy, a happiness in us, and that it was the same happiness that Roshan has in his face. So told the guys his story, about how he drinks too much, smokes all the time, is depressed, and though he was raised Hindu, he doesnt really practice it. He said he felt lost and wanted to know why we were so happy. So the guys just loved on him, and shared the gospel with him. And he prayed and accepted the Lord! Then the guys laid hands on him and prayed over him. Then Roshan told him to go home, throw all his idols away,and to cast his cigarettes into the trash. And he did it! Wow! He came to our worship and prayer time this morning and said he has never felt so free, so happy. God is so good. It is amazing to get to see His hand work in this way.
Thank you all for your prayers...
Please remember to pray for Kumar. We have not seen him in a few days, but hope to contact him again before we leave for Calcutta.
Love to you all......
Praise the LORD!!! Oh that's so awesome. What a beautiful ministry it is to live in the joy of the Lord! I pray that you all continue to gush with the love and joy of the Lord. I'm blessed each day as I read about your journey.
As I type this tears are streaming down my face.. Praise the Lord guys is really all I can say.. I love to hear of how God is working through you guys over there. I love you guys.. and miss you all.. I have been blessed tremendously through reading about your journey.
Hey Guys,
Your message today was AMAZING!!!! God is using you in so many ways!! People are seeing God's love and joy in your lives and are craving for the same thing in theirs.... I am praying that you don't drain out spiritually and can continue to be used by God to soften hearts of so many.
Keep up the wonderful work of God.
In Him,
Well Guys & Gals...
On To Week TWO!
Needless to say I have been reading this blog each and every morning before I head to work, and there I pull it up and read it, atleast seven or eight more times, and then a few more before I head to bed. Geeky? Haha... Maybe, but that's okay. :)
Tiffie- I really miss you sissy, and so glad you are enjoyin this experience, please know that you and the entire team have been on my heart and mind every second of every day. I can't wait to hear all the stories, and share some of my own... I led a man to the Lord on thursday, at the bank, of ALL places! So RAD! (Details when you get home) ;)
Princess- Your e-mails have brought both tears and smiles to my face, and heart, I miss you buddy. I read the card you gave me first thing when I wake up and again before bed. Your a priceless friend.
Bekah- DUDE! The pictures and blog are A-Mazing! You love making me cry... don't you!? (not like it's a hard job tho)haha.But, Seriously it truly is helping me cope with having my two best friends gone, tears of joy flood my face when I read it each morning. Man... How so much beauty and love shines through all of you and those children makes me speechless.
Melis- I just want to thank you so much for the prayer sesh that friday, before you left... God has shown me so much, it's incredible! Maybe we can swap stories over a bucket of balls at the golf range eh? ;)
Danielle- I saved the voice-mail you left me the night before you left, and again like a dork, I listen to it each day... Haha. Your so awesome and it's so good to see God using you in such big ways on the other side of the world.
Jeanne- Haha... O'Jeanne! ;) What can I say!? Every single picture of you, brings so much laughter, i'm so, so glad, that God has put you on this team, I can say without a single doubt, that it wouldn't be the same without you there. :) And taking it that you are thee oldest, I hope you are taking real good care of everyone, especially my sister. I can't wait to sit with you and hear about all the great adventures you have had and will yet to have, maybe we can do it on a day on the boat. ;)
Jon-Teresa- I realize I have never met either of you, but I want you to know that you both have also been in my prayers, what a great experience to do this as a married couple, I'm so stoked that the two of you have eachother on this journey.
J- Dude... You realize now, that all the kids at Solid Rock are expecting Bicep rides from you! Haha... I've been prayin for your health buddy, you hang in there, your a Trooper!
Ry- Just one thing... keep your head AWAY from the elephants mouth! Not only is that dangerous, but very unhealthy! ;) haha... Miss you buddy.
Kait- The "girls" and I miss you, and love seeing you and Tiffie in so many photo's with the kids, the love that you have for them is very evident. I'm prayin for you like everyone else, keep smilin that beautiful smile of yours kiddo.
Amanda- It was sad to see that you have not been feelin' well, but i'm glad to hear your back in action, i'm so stoked that the team has you there, "hallelujah I found you" ;)
Ben- There is so much I want to say, and nearly not enough time nor space, haha... so leave it at this, i'm really proud of you, the team you've selected is nothing but perfect, I can tell that God is using each of you in such a powerful way, and it has done nothing but inspire me to become something greater, even if it is here at home. I love you buddy, and truly am looking forward to sit down with you and hear about the things God has showed you. Oh... and Mr. Bisinius wanted me to pass on that he isn't too happy with you, because he never got an elephant ride while he was in India. ;)
Friends... What you mean to me is more than you could ever possibly know or understand, each of you have a special place in my heart. And as mentioned, i'm prayin non-stop for you all.
In HIS Grip.
Praise the Lord for your wonderful experience! What a blessing to be used in this way. Your spirits are shining in your faces in each picture. Miss Amanda you look so happy and it makes me cry with joy (surprise) Keep up the great work! Love you so much Cin
What a wonderful story. God is just so amazing. He chose all of you to be there for this time so that Murthy could see your faces and see the glow of the Lord on them. What an amazing testimony that is. God is and will continue to do amazing work through all of you. Our prayers are with you as you journey on to another beautiful day in Him.
Kevin & Trudy Umphress
Kaitlynn, no you can't bring home an elephant or mule, but maybe Bruce. I am so proud of you and your team. You are making a huge change in the lives of the Happy Home children and the adults there. You take care and keep smiling. I love you, Dad.
We heard you are savings lives by saving souls. Way to go and to God be the glory! We heard about the hotel manager and how he gave his heart to the Lord. What is interesting is that we heard about it at home fellowship last night through an email and then the next day we heard about it from the blog. It made me realize the time difference and just how big the world really is. That, in turn, made me realize that 1 God (our God) is that BIG and that he can perform miracles there at the same time we are praying here. Wow! That alone is amazing. We are so thrilled that you are getting to experience the joy of others salvation. We continue to pray for Kumar and that he will return to worship with you again. Enjoy your cooler weather there. We are experiencing 90 degree weather with tomorrow reaching 100. I would love to see a sari fashion show, ladies, when you return. We love you all and can't stop talking about what is happening there. You are celebreties at SRF (of course God is your agent). A new day awaits.
Your shot of Kaitlynn with the little girl...is great. It's what God requires of all of us. Appreciated your story about the hotel manager...praise God! We will pray for him as he grows in the Lord.
Ryan...in case you have not figured it out yet...the elephant was tasting you! The leopard...he was tasting you also! Some additional words of warning...do not walk behind the donkey...and stay away from the guard dogs. Extra prayers being said for you tonight my friend! ;-)
God Bless,
We are praising the Lord for the amazing experience you all are having. What a blessing to touch so many lives! Keep up the great work and stay safe.
Connie and George
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