But at it's height, it can look like this!:

I was unable to take my camera down into the canyon, so I am SO SORRY that I can't share with you how how awe-inspiring it was to see something that powerful. More pictures tomorrow, I promise :) The "trail" that we hiked down was made from rocks placed like stepping stones down a very vertical hillside. Because it has been pouring rain for the last 24 hours (and when I say pouring, i mean POURING) the whole trail was kind of like a waterfall in and of itself. Fortunately, nobody got hurt, despite a few slips and tumbles. God's hand of protection was on us :)
Not only was it raining, but the spray from the fall itself fills the entire valley around it's base with a cool steam that felt a lot like rain. 5 minutes into our 2 mile hike we were absolutely SOAKED. It was hilarious! :) But we had so much fun, so it kind of didn't matter.
Here are some pictures from after we finished the hike...
the girls...

ben and amanda

The guys had the bright idea of posing atop this marble pillar at a viewing station that we stopped at on our way back to Happy Home. They are......welll......I will let you insert and adjective :) ha ha ha !

Amanda, attempting to read the local newspaper

Some more pictures of our time with the kids as soon as we got back from the waterfall...

This is Veena....she is sick this week, so please be praying for her!

Manni helps to milk the cows in the evening :)

After we returned to the hotel we all need to wash clothes. I don't think any of us realized how much work it is to wash all your clothes by hand! Needless to say, we all appreciate washers and dryers in a new way now !

Again, another amazing day in Shimoga. We are all sad to be leaving in a few days :(
Your prayers are being felt in a powerful way. Another of the hotel employees, Nagesh, is coming to worship every day. We are all hoping that he will come to know Jesus soon! So please add him to your list :)
Still no sign or word from Kumar...but we are trying to get a hold of him, so keep praying for him as well. Muthi came to worship again this morning as well. He is just glowing with his newfound love of Christ!
How beautiful is our Lord, our Creator, our Saviour. He is revealing Himself to each of us in new ways every day.
John Patton said today in our prayer time "we see these idols that men carve and build, but then we can point at a waterfall and say my God made this one" How true, how true. His beauty overwhelms us here...
with much love,
Rebekah, thank you so much for the beautiful pictures you send to us everyday. We are loving each morning waking up, getting updates and being able to pray specifically for each one of you and those you are able to minister to. We continue to pray for Kumar and that you will get an opportunity again to share Jesus love with him.
It is so exciting to hear about Mathik and the change that the Lord has done inside of him and that his light is shining for others to see. We will continue to pray for his friends that are coming to the worhsip time that they also will find the one and only God.
Psalm 40:3 "He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord."
We love you and continue to put you in the almighty hand of God and may there be tears of joy as you leave Shimoga. His presence will be with you as you head to Calcutta.
Love and prayers, Tom and Sheryl (the gentle giant's parents)
Hey everyone! the blog is amazing! Rebekah thank you soo much for keeping us posted with amazing photos and descriptions of your time in India! Im so blessed to hear some of the things that He is doing over there. My prayers are being lifted up daily for everyone of you. Continue to lean on Him for your strength and allow Him to pour His loving kindness upon you all.
Love Shawna
ps... Kaitlynn.. I MISS YOU ALOT!!
What a sight to behold of the falls. We were in awe seeing it in a picture that to see it in person would be incredible. Isn't it amazing to think that our God created something so beautiful and amazing. How anyone could just not see God's handiwork in that is beyond anything.
Psalms 9:1-2 "I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O most High.
Keep telling us about all the wonders God is doing there and keep rejoicing in Him. We continue to pray for all of you.
Kevin and Trudy Umphress
Rebekah, Wow! It is really neat to look at the blog every day! Thank you!
P.S. Could you tell my mom Hi from me?!?
Great to see God blessing you by his creation!
Great to see God using you in the kid's lives at Happy Homes...and with the hotel employee's. May God continue to bless your next few days there... as He uses you to plant seeds that others will water and harvest (Psalm 51:10-12).
Regarding the picture of the boys...I'll do my best to fill in the blank..."They are...in need of a new personal trainer!" :-O
God bless,
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