The team getting ready to head through security at PDX.
Frankfurt airport
We finally arrived in Shimoga at around midnight, and little did we know our first team building exercise awaited us at the baggage carousel. I had been so nervous that my bag would get lost, but one by one all 22 made it. I ran to my bag, checked the tag, and as I flipped it over I noticed something slimy on top! Hmmmm what could this be? You got it, team building exercise in a bag!
After a few sighs from me and about 84 paper towels our wonderful team helped me transfer my stuff into an extra bag Tony had brought. God sure works in mysterious ways. It was actually a blessing in disguise, a little shampoo spill substituted for a shower:) But we were off to a good start! Now to the bus. We loaded our bags and got onto the bus only to have our bus driver back into a car behind us. This maneuver would cost us another 45 minutes as Roshan negotiated for us. Whew, thank goodness for our friend (a black belt in karate I might add). We always feel safe with him!
Many hours later we arrived... As we pulled up all I could think was, "Home, sweet home!" Coming back for the 2nd time has a totally different feel. I had been longing to be here for 12 months, and NOW I was actually here. Here are a few pictures of the precious faces that were waiting for us...
And last but certainly not least, here is the woman that mothers each of these 84 children here at Happy Home. IRENE! Her story is too long to post right now, but just know that this woman is a woman of God. We could all learn a little bit from her. Pictures of Reema and Roshan to come...
Love you all! Thank you for your prayers!
-Allison Newell-
So happy to hear you made it safely! I am so happy to see pictures of all the kids and excited to hear more of how God uses you over there. You are all in my prayers..
Love you!
Oh Happy be in Shimoga!!! I must say that it is making me homesick for India ;-) I look forward to seeing all the new pictures of those sweet children and those who care for them I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
so glad yoiu all made it safely. I am off to NY, so will be out of touch with the blog most of the day. I'll check it tonight and comment more later. Know you are in our prayers today. God is going to do mighty stuff through all of you. Be open to His leading...
Love You,
Larry C
YAY! I am so glad you arrived safely! I can't wait to hear all of the stories!!! Allison, I miss you already..yesterday was a REALLY quiet day with you not around! You are in my prayers and I love you lots!
Looks like you guys are having an awesome time!! christine, try not to bring too many kids home:) I'm praying for you guys! “I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word.”-psalm 138:2......verse of the day. have fun!!!
We're so happy to hear you all arrived safely! Praise God that you had mostly smooth travels - what a blessing :)
We love and miss all of you (Danielle, we're already planning chocolate chip pancakes for July 23rd!!) but are so, so blessed by how the Lord is going to use all of you over there and your willingness to go.
Can't wait to hear more updates!
Megan, Amanda and Kaylyn
praise God you arrived safely! Big hugs to all the sweet children at HHH. We are praying the gospel of Jesus Christ will come to all the people you come into contact with "not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction" (1 thessalonians 1:5). Kisses to my husband....keep up the great work!
Love you all!
Kristin, Garrett & Gracie
I was amazed when I read Keawe's comment--especially "the verse of the day" (Psalm 138:2), because that was my Bible reading for today! Here's what also caught my attention in that chapter: "When I pray, You answer me; You encourage me by giving me the strength I need." (vs.3)
I'm praying for you guys, that God will use you mightly, in His strength, bringing His blessings to you and through you.
Jeannie Dorris
Allison...sorry about the loss of your shampoo. Why do bad things always happen to good people? :-)
Jordan...we all received your message via Facebook. Glad you all made it safely. We are praying for a quick rrecover from jetlag!
For those times when you are tired...(Isaiah 40:29) He gives strength to the weary, And to him who lacks might He increases power.
P.S. - Remember to stay away from the monkey's
Greetings to you all. God is so good and I wish I was there to hug each of the kids. Allison, no hair can humble you :) I will be praying for each of you.
hugs and prayers,
So happy for you team! The photos are amazing! Know that God is doing a mighty work in and through you all! Praise Him. We are praying for you all here at home.
Great to see you guys safe and sound and being used by the Lord in such amazing ways. You are in our prayers everyday. We love you!!
Todd and Danita
Sorry for the delay on the comments kids. We were having trouble remembering how to enter the blog (and you want to take your mom and dad with you to India?!) We love seeing the pictures and especially some familiar faces. The smiles are everywhere. I can tell God's love is all around HHH. (Rom. 8:38,39) It's quiet around here without you but the work of the Lord is being done through you. We pray for you throughout the day. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more about your adventure.
We love you!!!
Amanda....I had better see some pictures of my shoes being put to good use! We miss our family and hope you all are doing well. I'm watching Oprah right now about India and babies and I keep hoping one of you walks by in the background and waves! Ha ok well love you guys hope to hear from you soon.
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