FINALLY!!!!!!!! A NEW POST!!!!!!!!
Sorry but our internet has been pretty sketchy the last few days (well ok, it just hasn’t been working at all). We’ll try to make it up to you guys but it was totally out of our control!
The last few days at Happy Home have been AWESOME. However, most of us don’t like the part about Roshan picking us up from the hotel at 5:30 IN THE MORNING to start our work at the orphanage. We split into two teams so we could take turns on who wakes up early. We continue to marvel at the staff here at Happy Home and how they do all this work every single day. It’s hard enough with the eleven of us! Even the kids help with most of the work and they do it with huge smiles on their faces. The kids have really shown all of us what Paul meant in 1 Corinthians 1 when he said that God uses the weak things of the world to shame the strong. All those tiny little kids seem to have more strength than we do!
We have played a bunch of really fun games with the kids. We did an epic game of duck, duck, goose with the whole orphanage (only they call it something different in India- it sounds kind of like Obi-won Kenobi☺). Then we played a hard-core tackle game, where Irene ended up tearing her MCL. She doesn’t need surgery, just a cast for 3 weeks then a brace. Pray that Irene’s leg heals quickly and that she will REST. It’s hard to keep her off her feet!
Yesterday (the 10th) Roshan took us on a safari. It’s more like getting into a bus with metal screens and driving through the tiger cage at the zoo but it was still pretty cool. Another bus got stuck in the mud but no one could help them because there were four hungry tigers surrounding it! I think they finally made it after we took a few pictures and videos☺.
After the safari we visited a piece of land that will hopefully be the new Happy Home for the Handicapped. We all circled up and prayed over the land. Believe it or not, a church is trying to kick Happy Home off the property they are on now. When I asked Roshan how I should tell you guys to pray he said pray that they get the land of course, and that the people who own the land would be honest and not cheat them. He really feels that this place is meant to be the new Happy Home… definitely something to put on your prayer list!
Well, that’s about it for now and again sorry about the “long-time-no-post” thing! We will post again soon as long as the internet keeps working! Thanks for the prayers and God bless!
Jordan (The tall guy)
The tigers outside the bus that got stuck
The HOPEFULLY new land for Happy Home
Just a cool pic I took while driving through a village
Bob Roach- sleeping beauty
What a blessing to wake up this morning to another sunny day here in Oregon and be able to find out what the India team is doing 1/2 way around the world. That is a very fun "safari" trip. Did you see the "lion" in the red shirt??? I can't believe that you hurt Irene...what is up with that? It is always Rochan that is injured showing off for the Americans, I will certainly pray for Irene to not follow in the footsteps of her son! And for the new land for HHH. I can't wait to come plant the garden ;-) Take care and be a blessing to all,
You continue to be held in my thoughts and prayers. Please assure Irene that she is being prayed for in a special way, and will not be forgotten.
Jeannie D.
HI Jordan. Thanks for sending me pictures of you. I love you. I miss you. Be careful of those tigers. Tell Allison I love her.
From Rachel
Hi Jord! Thanks for the update. We are praying for you all day. No more tackle games okay? Tell Ragavendra hello from us. I love you. Mom
Yay! It is so great to hear from you guys! We will continue to be lifting you guys up in prayer. I am sure the kids are incredibly blessed having you there! Have a wonderful day!
You're all alive and well. Praise the Lord! ;-)
I am praying for you all. thanks for the great pictures. you are my heros. Cindy
Technology can really spoil you. We are so thrilled when we can see your work through pictures. Thanks Jordan for posting the blog. Glad all are doing well. Tell Irene to come to Oregon and rest her leg with me. I can show her how it's done! I will be praying for her to patiently rest in the Lord. Good news about prospective land. Again, another BIG prayer request, but nothing is impossible with God. Ben, Amanda and Allison...we miss your smiling faces and constant jabber. T.J. is finally getting a chance to talk.
Mom (Danita)
PS...a little SRF news - Tim and Abby are engaged.
As you set out on your safari in "Tiger Country"...I believe the tiger's were probably thinking one of 3 things:
#1 - "One stuck van with many caged people = TIGER FOOD!"
#2 - "Does anyone have a can opener? Oh yeah..I DO!!! I have one on each paw!"
#3 - "Eleven light skinned's what we refer to in India as...THE OTHER WHITE MEAT!!!"
We have been praying for you. I know God will be using you in the lives of the people there...far beyond what you see...and far beyond this trip.
Ben...I am especially praying for you. I know when you are leading a group of people the burden is a little bit greater...but I know you will do a fantastic job because your focus is on him (Pslam 16:8-9) and...from what I could see at the airport HE has brought GREAT people to stand along side you on this trip.
Praying 2 Corinthians 3:5 for all of you...Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God
Jordan...we miss you...but we know God is using you!
P.S. - Please disregard my previous post about "staying away from the monkeys". I believe I speak for all your mothers...possibly a few boyfriends...and Bob your wife...when I say, "stay away from the tiger's!!!"
Hey Danielle...eeee!God brought you there safe and sound; we're thankful and know He will use you in a special way as He did last year!! We're keeping you all in our prayers and can't wait to hear all your stories when you get home.Keep your focus on Jesus, and He'll show you the way to minister in every encounter. LOVE YOU BIG!
Mom and Dad
Good to hear from you all again. We love the blog. I've been in NYC all week (crash and burn trip, it will go down in history as the worst development trip ever, I fully expect this trip to be used in development curriculum as an example of how NOT to raise money, but I digress...) Glad to hear you are all well, I'm fighting the temptation to be envious of you.
Be careful of the tigers (Being Indian tigers, shouldn't they be vegatarian?!?) Thanks for the updates and the pix. It makes us feel like we are there with you. Ben, we are praying for you and your leadership, and we are praying each day that you will all continue to be used of God to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the people you are serving there.
Larry & Kathy
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