Greetings family and friends from India! Today didn't start off as our usual day here at Happy Home, which usually consists of waking the kids up, helping them brush their teeth, serving them breakfast, and then getting them ready for school. Nope, today Roshan took us on a hike to what they like to call here in India as the "world famous" Jog Falls. And a hike it was! As a few of us hiked down nearly to the bottom Ben mentioned that he now knows what it means on the application when it says arduous hikes! After our hike it was back to Happy Home to spend the last few hours we had left with the kids. It's sad to think that tomorrow we'll be leaving to head to Ongole and we'll have to say goodbye to these precious little faces. But like someone once told me, its never goodbye, it's always see you later!
I think I can speak for the team when I say that the impact that these children have made on my life while I've been here is like nothing I've ever experienced before. They have taught me so much in just this short amount of time that it brings tears to my eyes to even think about saying goodbye to these beautiful kids.
But as we approach our departure tomorrow our team would like to ask all of you to continue to keep us in your prayers, especially our health. A handful of us have been feeling a little under the weather and traveling isn't necessarily the funnest thing when you're sick. So prayer for our health and quick recoveries, and also prayer for our travels that we would make it to our next destination safely. Thank you all for your constant prayers and comments. We read them everyday and look forward to reading more! Love you all and we'll be in touch soon!
Much love
I am praying for you all as you go on to Ongole. I miss you all and love you..
Praying as you depart Shimoga....I'm sure you have been a blessing to all. I hope the train ride provides a time of rest (although Jordan...being 6'5"...I am picturing you in the fetal position!) and recovery. I also pray that it provides time for all of you to look back on your week...and to reflect on what God has done...and on the things HE has taught you. May you use the lessons learned on the remainder of your trip.
Praying for safety as you travel and praying for good health for the balance of the trip!
Jordan...your father's advice remains the careful of the tree monkey' careful of the tiger's...and now...and probably more careful of "warm milkshakes" bearing food born diseases (unlike Burgerville...I don't think the India shakes are made from "real" ice cream!)!!!! :-O
God will continue to use you all (Matt 6:33-34)
Dave (Dad)
P.S. - I saw Jim Courson yesterday. I asked if he any advice for the team traveling in India...his response..."Don't drink the water...and don't play in the water!" :-)
To all of you as you depart HHH,
It is very true that it is always see you later; here, there or in the air. Just think as we all spend eternity together, those who have trouble walking will be running, those who can't speak well will be singing and we will all be praising the Lord together forever and that's a VERY LONG time ;-) I will be praying for you as you journey on to Ongole. It will be great that you will have more time with all those children at the school/college in Beluah. Just don't try any smoothies as that is what did John & Theresa in! Remember, if you can peal it then it is good, but if not, then don't even try it. Some of the train food is sketchy also..Beware!
Be sure that you ALL give Irene a GREAT BIG HUG from me and let her know I can't wait until next spring for our adventure!!!
Our prayers are traveling with you as you head towards Ongole. I'm sure you have emotion overload and you have to be exhausted. We will pray for strength. You have left a piece of your heart behind but your emptiness has filled the hearts of those sweet orphans in HH to last them until next time. Enjoy your time on the train and get some rest.
I don't know what your weather has been like in Shimoga but it has been in the 90's since you left. Summer has arrived! Looking forward to seeing you in person. By the way, church was packed on Sunday as well as the prayer room. God is working everywhere!
P.S. Allison, secure your shampoo!
Love you,
I'm sure it is hard for ya'll to leave those children. Just know that you have not only held them physically, but you have touched their hearts as well. A part of you will always be with them now, as they will be with you.
The last couple of days in OR have felt like India! It's so hot! Since the air conditioner went out on our car, we have enjoyed riding around in Amanda's toyota. We're just gonna leave our car at your apartment and keep your car for the rest of the summer. Is that ok with you?!?
Can't wait to see you all again. You remain in our prayers daily. We are praying specifically for those who are not feeling so well, and that everyone will be healthy and safe as you continue to be the aroma of Christ (I've been in India, so I know something of the normal aroma there...!)
Blessings to the entire team today!
Larry & Kathy
Hello to everybody - your pictures are worth several thousand words, and those children are all just glowing, as are all of you. What a fantastic trip, and what an eye opening experience for everyone! Thank you all so much for posting your impressions, photos, hopes and dreams.
We hold you all in our hearts and look forward to your next posts! Keep up the good work, my prayers are with you.
Oh also FYI "Lomotil" is a very good drug to help control "dire rear" -- It's like eating corks ... it saved me in Mexico in 1972 - without it none of us could sit in the car long enough all at the same time to drive more than a mile!
You are likely encountering many parasites and organisms which our American bodies have no familiarity with or resistance to. I'll join the others with health advice: avoid unboiled water, street food, dairy products, monkeys, rats, chickens (live or not); caged pet markets (rodents, birds, etc.); but remember that, even with all that caution, your odds of coming home with "something" are pretty good; God's "little beasties" (microorganisms) are also looking for their own best chances to thrive. And they are thrilled that you have come to visit! Love to you all, especially a huge hug to Stephanie from Aunt Becky.
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