And now... meet the team...
Ben (Our team leader) and his now WIFE Amanda Newell
The beautiful Danielle Higginbotham
Stephanie Meinig (Wasn't sure what pose to pick, so we decided this would do)
The man, the myth, the legend... Tony Martinez
Tiffany Van Lom- our nurse
Read the sign-Christine Onufrei
The Roach family, sadly we don't get to take ALL of them with us! But Bob is coming!
Jordan Hughes who will soon have kids hangin' all over him
The always sweet Courtney Sell
And hi it's me, Allison Newell!
So there you have it. Our team of 11 is ready to roll. Keep checking in! We will try our best to keep you posted each day:) We love you, and thank you for your support and prayers! Stop by anytime, and leave us comments, we'd love to hear from you while we're gone!
-Solid Rock's 2008 India team-
Pray'n for you guys!
Sombody unravel Jordan's legs after the long plane flt and bus ride. ;-)
Hopefully you guys are landing right about now (usually about 24 hours in transit to get to India)! I will be praying for your trip, and for the ways God will use your team.
Keep the updates coming!
What a fun trip you are all in for! I just wish I could be along this year too ;-( But I will be there in spirit and will keep you all in my prayers for the next few weeks. Give all those kiddos a hug from me and a GREAT BIG HUG to Irene, Rochan & Reema...I love you guys!!!!
I wanted to let you know that the prayer group starts Monday morning and I am excited to see how God uses you during this trip!! Let me know when you have specific prayer request!!!
In Him,
hey christeph! i miss you so much. i'm praying for you guys(about 50 times a day:) i hope everything is going great and god is touching your life. i love you guys...
Hey Guys,
Hope you made it there ok. Want you to know how proud we are of you and that we are praying for you every day! You will all be Jesus to a lot of people there in the next couple of weeks. What an opportunity!
Ben, take care of my baby (you know, your wife...) I feel a little more relaxed about this trip than I did the one last year, cause I actually know you this time :-)
Love you both and I'm lifting you up in prayer constantly.
I was in the prayer room during second service---we prayed for you guys, especially for your health and your upcoming travel. Phil preached an excellent sermon on wisdom. Maybe you can get CD or download it when you get back. I have the flyer Ben made about your trip hanging on my bulletin board to remind me to pray for you and keep track of your schedule.
Barb T
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