So, here I am, sitting in Roshan’s room, trying to write this blog. And, all I can think of is that nothing I write will even come close to how awesome today was. The kids only had a half day at school. After doing some chores, we sat all of the kids down in the prayer hall. I don’t think they knew what was coming. What came next, can pretty much be summed up in one word…. Chaos. We passed out toys to each of the kids, that wasn’t the problem. We also blew up about twenty beach balls. And from there it starts! The simplest thing brought so much joy, and a few tears, to all of the kids at Happy Home. I don’t think we expected the balls to be such a hit, but a hit they were. The kids were so happy, and had so much fun. It was crazy.. beach balls were flying everywhere. We had to move the party outside. And from there things just got crazier! There were kids running all over the property, and beach balls everywhere! One of the kids was playing with a Frisbee, but using it as a steering wheel, and was making driving sounds and honking at everyone.. and of course as always, our little friend was hollering “Roshan! Roshan!” But the day didn’t end there. Reema, beautiful Reema, took us shopping to buy saris. That was in adventure in itself! From the second we stepped out of the cars and until we stepped back in… it was a little awkward. The streets were crowded and it was hot… and the group of us stuck out like a sore thumb. We found the shop we were looking for and went in. All of us girls stayed and tried on about a million saris, and the guys went and bought bananas. About an hour later… we were ready to bargain. Good thing we had Stella there to help! So, we made our way back down stairs to pay. That took some time. As we stood in the door way, we got plenty of looks, but even more stares. And, yes, even a few, “what country?! What country?!” Roshan said, Africa... We trekked our way back home, and back to the quiet and comfort of Happy Home. I think it’s safe speak for the whole team when I say, to be perfectly honest, there is nowhere else I’d rather be.
Missing you all!

Hi guys!
Thank you so much for your faithful writing in keeping everyone back home updated. :) We love reading the blogs! (Danielle, I'm sure you loved the Tigers, probably thinking of them just as big cats!) :)
After reading your previous post about the possible land for Happy Home, and the way the Lord is using you over there, it reminded me of Psalm 85:12-13,
"Yes the Lord pours down his blessings. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest. Righteousness goes as a herald before Him, preparing the way for His steps."
It's so evident through the glimpse of what you've shared that the Lord's hand is on everything going on over there. How awesome to be a part of that, knowing that what's happening is preparing the way for Him to move big time!
We love you all (even those we don't know yet!) and are continually praying for you daily.
Megan, Amanda and Kaylyn
(Danielle's roommates) :)
Oh I wish I could have been there for all that fun. It is a good thing you got out the beach balls before the last day as we did last year! We got winded blowing them all up and Irene had to write the names of each child on them as they were all alike! There is nothing better than the simple pleasure a toy can bring to those deserving children at Happy Home. Just wait until you go to the tailor's shop to be measured for the tops of your sari's....that will bring even more looks ;-) I am glad you are all still healthy and happy and enjoying all the sights and sounds and love in India. You will be in my prayers for the train ride (Allison you know where it is going!!!)Enjoy the simple pleasures of Shimoga as long as you can. All my love & hugs to Irene, Rochan and Reema plus Stella and her family.
Take care of yourselves and be a blessing to all you encounter,
Jordan...just read your facebook posting that you are sick. We are praying that you recover quickly!
We are praying everyone else stays healthy!
Dad (Dave)
Thank you so much for your updates! We are all praying for you and for everyone at Happy Home! It looks like God is doing amazing things already! Lots of love and support is coming your way from Portland! (Oh..and a special hi to Emma)! Lisa and Simon Achson
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