Thursday, July 12, 2007

our time here is almost up...

Hey guys! Welll....we spent our second-to-last day here in Shimoga doing some more shopping for the kids, and for Reema, Esther, and Stella (Irene's sister who works here at Happy Home). Then we spend the afternoon and evening with the kids.

Melis in the rickshaw that we took to Ghandi Bazaar (the shopping area). These things are absolutely crazy! They are all two-stroke engines, with a hand lever starter on the floor and 2 gears. Awesome :)

Danielle and Tiff


I just have to share this: this guy's singular dreadlock was just blowing our minds :) ha ha ha. He was RAD!

Here are a few pictures of the streets, just to give you all an idea of the amazing colors we saw, and also of the juxtoposition between seeing such beaty amidst the trash heaps and poverty.

Yes, yes...that is indeed an animal trap of some kind. I've got admit, I was a bit taken aback seeing that for sale right next kitchen supplies, like bowls, spoons, rolling pins, etc.

Jeanne, checking her email. I just thought she was so cute, so I had to share it with you all :)

Irene, bargaining with the salesperson (who we all think looks kinda like Prince) over underwear prices. Some of these kids get dropped off here at the orphanage with no underwear! And as you can guess, it is expensive to keep more than 70 children supplied with underclothes. Especially when many of them are not capable of being potty trained, due to their handicaps. So thank you to all who financially supported us on this trip because we were able to buy more than 400 pairs of underthings!! Through this experience especially I learned how wealthy we really are in the western world. These reminders are helping me to grow in my appreciation of how God cares for me so well, and blesses me so much.

And now some more pics of the kids :) We are so heartbroken to be leaving these beautiful children on Friday! Tears are already being shed, and hearts hurting in anticipation of the pain of not seeing them every day.

Ok, cool story of the day: This woman and child below...

They live next door to Irene, and asked a few of us to come and pray for them yesterday afternoon. So John, Theresa, Danielle, Reema, Allison and I all went over. She shared a bit of her story (Reema translated for us). She and her husband have a daughter (the child's mother) who was married to a man for a few years, got pregnant with this beautiful little girl and then ran away from her husband because she was being mistreated. So she lives with her parents now, and works nearby. They specifically wanted prayer for the husband to reconcile with the daughter, and care for them, and be a part of his daughter's life. They also asked for prayer for some health problems that they are each having. They cannot afford a doctor, so they said that we should ask God to heal them. It was such a beautiful time of worship and prayer! John played "Sanctuary" on the guitar and we sang, and then a few of us got on our knees, put our hands on them and prayed. Seeing their simple faith brought tears to my eyes! I so desire to be that way! They see their need, know that they cannot meet it themselves, and so bring it to their Lord. I must say it again, this experience in India is teaching me so much......we all feel like we are growing and learning in new ways every day.

Thank you again for your prayers! They are felt and appreciated...

I will try to post again tomorrow, but might not be able to. We hop a train to Bangalore in the morning, spend the afternoon there, and then board a sleeper train for Kolkata (Calcutta) at 8pm (that's 8am Friday for you Oregon people). We will be on the train until sometime Sunday morning.

We will get to catch up on reading and sleeping while on the train, which will be nice....but we would give anything to be spending more time with the kids. The time has flown by so quickly....

Oh man, I am tearing up again.

So.....this might be the last post for a few days. But you will hear from me again soon!

Love to you all!



Todd and Danita Newell said...

What an impact you all have made on Shimoga, India. We focus on our goal and destination but God uses us on the journey there. Think of how many people have been touched by your lives just by WATCHING. What an example of how important it is to live a life glorifying God. PTL! We will pray for safe travels, and especially a time of much needed rest. You all must be exhausted. Every picture sent has you all working, worshipping and loving kids. That memory will be with you for a long time. There are several people wanting to line up right now and be the next to go. Ben, you have a lot of people ready to be missionaries. Look out India, here we come. Wednesday night service was good. Josh spoke, JM led worship (and even Tammy as back up)and the air conditioning was working. It was close to 100. I still ran into people talking about the blog. What a great way to truly feel connected. We love you all and can't to touch and hug you.


cindy said...

Wow what a great time you have had there with the kids and the lives you have will feel the hearts of these folks forever I am sure! I am praying for you as you leave, for peace and safe travel (it sounds rather daunting to me) God is good and will hold you in His hand. Love Cindy
PS. AC can't wait to see you and hear first hand about what you are experiencing.

Stephie said...


I can't believe you called me ans I missed it! Why in the world was I blowdrying my hair!?

Seriously... When I heard your voices on the other end, tears rolled down my face and continued to stream down my cheeks all the way into work, all the fella's here have been such a great support, once I walked in I had atleast 5 of them calling to help me get through to you guys but I'm having no luck. A gentlemen even called verizon and hooked up international calling for me, but all circuits have been busy all morning, but believe me... i'm goin to keep tryin!

Some of the guys here know the Lord which is great, the ones who don't are starting to see the Light a little. :) I now know the BIG reason God Himself put me here, it's been AWESOME! I share the blog and tell stories of your work in India everyday, along with just how special you guys are to me. They say they can see it in my smile and eyes, one even said, he feels like he can see directly into my heart when I mention your names; I told him that it is God and His love for ALL His children that shines through me as well as you guys and thats why souls are being saved.

This week has been a bit tougher than last... almost feels as if it is in slow motion.

I know you guys are near to sayin your goodbyes to the children at Happy Home, it's goin to be an emotional one I know, i'm not even there and I feel sad too. Just realize that these past several days, you have brought something so special into there lives; PASSION-COMPASSION-HOPE and LOVE. You have showed them ALL that JESUS cares for them despite there differances. (tears)

Brothers & Sisters, GOD is so proud of each of you, as am I.


Ps. J- Allison told me you've been sick again, i'm prayin the Lords hand will heal you quickly buddy.

Kitty Taylor said...

It is so wonderful to log in and check out your latest experiences. Thank you Rebekah once again for making this happen. What a wonderful story you are sharing with us all back home. I am sure there will be "waterfalls" of tears as you say good-bye to the children of Happy Home. Pumpkin (Kaity), we miss you and are very proud of you! Can't wait to hear your stories! Be safe as you travel on to your next adventure.

P.S. Do you have Bruce? Daddy wants another Rotty!

Larry & Kathy Carter said...

It was nice to see the blog again. Kathy and I have been out of town for a couple of days (church conference stuff) and did not have access to a computer.

I am sure you are hurting with your departure from Shimoga at hand. It will be hard for you to go. Please know you have not only made a difference in the lives, but your impact there will be ETERNAL! God has used you all in a very special and powerful way.

Rachel, I especailly want to thank you for this wonderful blog. You have really brought us to Shimoga with you each morning. It has become part of our regular morning time with the Lord. Thanks for your ministry to us all...

We will be praying for your travel and look forward to hearing from you again soon. Be safe and God bless.

Larry & Kathy

Hey AC! We saw lots of people at NYC. Kari, Rich/Cheri, Mike/Dawn, Lois Wood and Jake, Chad Frosland, at the kids from EFCN, Shawn Blinker, Erick Fritz, Trevor Knapp...they all said hello.

John Mark Comer said...

Hey guys! Man we miss you like crazy! I just isn't the same without you. Your stories and pictures are tantalizing. They inspire the masses back in Portland to hear the cry, go, and do something about it. Thanks so much for being our hand and feet to a shattered world. You put flesh and blood on our hopes and dreams. We love you guys and are praying for you every day. Keep up the good fight. Persevere. Keep your heads up. Hope in God. Remain undaunted and unashamed. Finish your race strong. Keep running!

Love ya guys.


John Mark

Tyler said...

so cool and such BEAUTiful pictures! Love you guys! Will be glad to have you all back!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys... this is Katie Aylward.
I have been so blessed to read your blog updates. Just looking into those children's eyes reminds me of the kids in Africa and how much depth there is in just looking into their FACE. These children, as you have very well seen, have been through more trauma and heartache than most of us will EVER have to face... and they are so young!
BUT you know what else I see in their eyes.. I see JOY!! :) God has allowed Happy home and you and everyone else who has touched that childs hand or given them a hug or played with them.. a chance to show them a little bit of Himself. Itis such a privelege. I am so blessed that God would do such a thing. I am so blessed that I can see what you are doing.. It opens my eyes to a whole other world of His beautiful creations!

I am praying for you.
I am praying that God will keep your eyes open... dont miss anything he has for you !
Katie face

LegoLiams said...

G'day Lasses and Lads of Lands like Marco Polo- "Fish outta Water!"

Superb post on "our time here is almost up..." Veena is looking much happier. Goodness- Everyone does! The final picture of the little girl and whom I expect is her grandmother is lovely. That use of light'd make Leibowitz and Vermeer turn their heads. Even more gorgeous was the illustration of praying and singing with them.
I'd wager it was awfully taxing to part from Happy Home; likely more than ever expected. Prayers for your fortitude and footprints of Him.

The Hear the Cry blog is so a bonding agent at Solid Rock. It's a joy hearing and even overhearing the good folk speaking of all the beauty in the India. We're looking forward to the shots of the colorful saris and train ride. How was that wonderful trek on the train? Were there chickens?
I never rode a train with a chicken. But I did share a couchette on the night train from Paris to Madrid with an enormous man of China whose grandpa likely body-guarded Chairman Mao. Despite his pleasant plumpness, he breathed-up all the air in our cozy cabin! When I'd try to crack the door for fresh atmosphere a beam of light would laser-shoot his eyes making him grumble and shut the door. If he were a chicken, I wouldn't have had such plight. Plus there might have been some scramby eggs in the morning. I hope you have some good chicken stories.

Ben, we just blanked the Royals and have 9.5 over "those guys".

Tiffany, after The Way I saw your doppelganger at the House Bisenius and then said "Hi." It was cool. And then I realized what a good hugger your brother can be.

Jeanne, (Re)Bekah was right, ya do indeed have a case for cute... and with sweet Mac no less! (Me know how tis.)

Godspeed'ja All!
